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Student Action Network Committee

Dear Student Leader:


On behalf of the Floyd Rights Campaign, it is my honor to inform you that you have been nominated to serve on the Floyd Rights Student Action Network Committee.


In this respect, we recognize and applaud your commitment to protesting racial injustice and police brutality in the wake of the killings of Black Americans like George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Rayshard Brooks, Ahmaud Arbery, and Elijah McClain. And to make real progress towards solving this critical problem that currently plagues our society, sustained action is required. 


Accordingly, the Floyd Rights campaign is designed to achieve a "Human-Rights-First" policing framework that promotes human dignity and life's sanctity. At the same time, it must also transform police behavior. 


Accordingly, our ongoing mission is to effectuate substantive legal change at the federal, state, and municipal levels through scholarship, research, and legislative lobbying efforts. For a detailed description of the campaign, please visit HERE.


Importantly, we want you to know that the major components of this campaign are:


  1. Changing the existing "use of force" standards in the US to conform with the European Convention on Human Rights that uses the standard of "absolutely necessary," as opposed to "objectively reasonable."

  2. Advocating for the use of an oral declaration – similar to Miranda Rights. In other words, these are the "Floyd Rights." Informing detainees of their rights to be detained without force if they comply and providing detainees with the opportunity to inform their arresting officer of any pre-existing injuries or conditions. Watch Video


The above points considered, as a member of the "Floyd Rights" Student Action Network Committee, you will be asked to:


  • Register on the webpage to join the Student Action Network Committee

  • Direct your network to our website – as it articulates everything that the public needs to know about our cause

  • Tag @floydrights and #floydrights in your relevant social communications

  • Sign and share the Floyd Rights petition

  • Reach out to campus student leaders and recruit them to join the campaign

  • Inform your network of Floyd Rights internship opportunities 

  • Participate in virtual meetings and other campaign updates

  • Follow and share our social media channels:


Without question, we appreciate your consideration of this nomination an invitation to join the student network. Moreover, we are excited to have the opportunity to work with you to advance the Floyd Rights campaign – and ultimately put an end to police brutality in the United States. 


Let's work together to restore public trust – and transform police behavior from "serve and protect" to "serve, protect and respect." 


In the spirit of social transformation,




Stuart Lord

Co-Founder of the Floyd Rights Campaign

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Student Action Network Committee Application
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